
There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Earn Bitcoin and Ether By Writing Blockchain Tutorials

We're looking for folks who want to earn digital currency for writing about the explosion of new blockchain technologies. 

We'll pay you up to $200 in digital currency for each accepted blockchain tutorial or translation. Generally speaking, we will pay $50 for short updates or 500 word articles, $100 for longer articles around 1000 words, and $200 for 2000+ word deep dives with plenty of code. Please note: we cannot promise that your submission will be accepted, but we can promise that we will carefully review it and get in touch with you (and compensate you!) before publishing it. In order to make the best use of your time, you may want to send a writing sample ahead of time or submit a few paragraphs of any article you intend to publish. We will never use part or all of your tutorial without properly crediting and compensating you. As the author of a tutorial you will get credit on news.21.co and a link to your tutorial will be tweeted out by @21.

Here are some initial topic ideas to get you started:

• How to securely import and export a ZCash wallet file from the command line
• How to iterate over the Ethereum blockchain and load it into a relational database for fast querying
• How to participate in an ERC-20 token launch
• An overview of IPFS and Filecoin
• How to deal with a bitcoin transaction that goes from confirmed to conflicted
• Building a secure multi-signature escrow service in Ethereum

Format for tutorials
We are looking for tutorials that give detailed step-by-step instructions with screenshots and a minimal introduction. See here for a great example.

Format for explainers
We are also interested in contributions that include explanations of cryptocurrency topics. The best submissions will include an in interesting graph, diagrams, calculations, or code. 

Thank you for your interest!